Papakura High School Papakura High School

Level 1 Pacific Studies - World of Pacific Culture

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Lauaki.

Recommended Prior Learning

Requirements for Level 1 Pacific Studies: 

It would be beneficial if you have also taken the Semester 1 - 1PACP course.


An interest in learning about Pacific Cultures.

What to look forward to in Semester 2!  Pacific people today show their identity in many different ways. We will look into Pacific migration, the evolution of Pacific tattooing practices, Pacific literature, films, dances and influential Pacific thinkers of the Pacific. We will also look at the importance of keeping our Pacific cultures, values, knowledge and identity.  The learning that will take place in this course is in preparation for the TWO INTERNAL Assessments that you will be sitting during the Semester.  

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences


The courses we offer are reviewed regularly and are subject to change.