Teacher in Charge: Ms D. Corban.
Recommended Prior LearningStudents are to be committed to and available to attend out of school time assessments at ‘Educaterers’ catering functions. This caters for authentic experience using real customers, in real time and with real feedback. Students are work ready when they leave Level 2 Hospitality.
This course enables students to work toward a Vocational Pathways Certificate in Service Industries.
Semester B
This course gives you a basic introduction to working a barista machine to produce espresso beverages. This links into front-of-house service styles which you will practice after serving the foods you have prepared.
US 17285 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee and equipment and prepare espresso beverages under supervision 4 credits
US 14431 Demonstrate knowledge of food service styles and many types in the hospitality industry 3 credits
US 13281 Prepare and present basic sandwiches for service 2 credits
US 13278 Cook food items by roasting 2 credits
Assessments are based, equally, on practical capability, written tasks and written assessments. All 3 MUST be completed to achieve each Standard assessed.
Vocational Health and Safety standards are expected at ALL times in the practical room: Covered shoes, no nail polish, short nails, no jewellery, hairnets, hair tied back, clean uniform and aprons.
Level 3 Hospitality Preserving and cooking for service in a commercial kitchen
level 3 Hospitality also provides an opportunity for students to select a course, from a menu of Unit Standards, which best meets individual interests and needs. The course leads on to Cookery, Beverage, Hospitality and service tertiary courses.
Course FeesAll foods work booklets and assessments provided
The courses we offer are reviewed regularly and are subject to change.